
Exawind-builder is a set of bash functions that can be compiled to generate build scripts for the software used in ExaWind project on the different systems of interest. It separates machine-specific configuration from the software-specific configuration (tracking library dependencies and CMake configuration) so that they can be modularized and combined for different systems and compilers.

Pre-built configurations exist for the following systems. Use the system name shown on the following table when generating scripts targeting that particular system.

System Name Description
spack Spack (system agnostic)
anl-jlse-skylake ANL JLSE Skylake
anl-jlse-gpu_v100_smx2 ANL JLSE V100 nodes
ornl-summit OLCF Summit
eagle NREL Eagle
cori NERSC Cori
summitdev OLCF SummitDev
snl-waterman. Sandia waterman cluster (also snl-waterman-atdm)
snl-ghost Sandia Ghost cluster
snl-skybridge Sandia Skybridge cluster
snl-ascicgpu Sandia ASC GPU development machines
snl-ceerws Sandia blade workstations
snl-ews Sandia engineering workstations
pnnl-constance PNNL Constance system
rhodes NREL nightly build and test system
peregrine NREL Peregrine

The following compilers are configured for each machine. In situations where multiple compilers are present, we recommend that the users use the first one. The latter ones have not received enough testing and might have issues.

Environment Compilers
anl-jlse-skylake gcc
anl-jlse-gpu_v100_smx2 gcc, cuda
ornl-summit gcc, cuda
eagle gcc
cori intel
summitdev gcc, xl, cuda
snl-waterman. gcc, cuda
snl-ghost intel
snl-skybridge intel
snl-ascicgpu gcc, cuda
snl-ceerws gcc
snl-ews gcc
pnnl-constance gcc
rhodes gcc, intel
Mac OSX clang, gcc
peregrine gcc, intel

Exawind-builder provides CMake configurations for the following codes used within the ExaWind project. Please consult Reference section for configuration variables availble to customize configuration of each project.

Use cases

The exawind-builder provides capability for three different workflows of increasing complexity:

  1. The simplest use case is on a system where all the dependencies are managed by the ExaWind team (e.g., NREL Peregrine, NERSC Cori, etc.). In this scenario, the user just needs to clone the appropriate code repo and use the build script to compile their desired branch with apporpriate CMake options. This use case is described in Using exawind-builder to build software section.
  2. Depending on the task, users might need to use different branch of a third-party library (TPL). For example, user might need a different branch of OpenFAST or TIOGA when developing a new feature within Nalu-Wind. This will require the user to maintain multiple development builds of the codes and keep them all in sync. Customizing the build process provides information on how to manage this workflow.
  3. Finally, the user might need to install and manage all dependencies themselves, e.g., on their personal laptops. Setting up exawind-builder details all the necessary steps to setup your own ExaWind environment and manage all dependencies on different machines. This mimics the build-test infrastructure of ExaWind project, but opts to use system configuration as much as possible to minimize build time on dependencies.

Exawind directory structure

Exawind-builder recommends the organizing code under a standard directory structure for ExaWind project. While it is not necessary to follow this directory structure, and the user is free to call the build scripts from any location, the standard directory structure will be used in the rest of the manual. A brief description of the standard layout is presented here.

All source code, build directories, installation directories, and the exawind-builder package itself is assumed to be located within exawind base directory. Within this directory the main subdirectories are shown below:

├── exawind-builder
├── install
│   ├── hypre
│   ├── tioga
│   ├── trilinos-omp
│   └── trilinos
├── scripts
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
├── spack
└── source
    ├── hypre
    ├── nalu-wind
    ├── openfast
    ├── tioga
    ├── trilinos
    └── wind-utils

The sub-directories are:

  • exawind-builder: The build script package cloned from the git repository that contains scripts to configure and build codes on different systems. This directory must be considered read-only unless you are adding features to exawind-builder. This directory is not necessary if you are using one of the central installations of ExaWind.
  • spack: Optional location for Spack if using Spack to manage dependencies. Not used on NREL systems – Peregrine, Eagle, and Rhodes.
  • source: Local git repository checkouts of the ExaWind codes of interest to the user. This is the recommended location for all the development versions of the various codes (e.g., nalu-wind, openfast, etc.).
  • scripts: The default build scripts for different project and compiler combination. Users can either symlink the scripts into the build directory or copy and modify them within different build directories (e.g., release vs. debug builds). Use the utility to generate these build scripts.
  • install: The default install location where make install will install the headers, libraries, and executables.

In addition to the sub-directories, users can also provide an optional configuration file that can be used to customize options common to building all the codes.